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The Appraisal Institute is an international membership association of professional real estate appraisers, with more than 24,000 members and 91 chapters throughout the world. Its mission is to support and advance its members as the choice for real estate solutions and uphold professional credentials, standards of professional practice and ethics consistent with the public good. The Appraisal Institute is the result of the 1991 unification of the appraisal profession's two most respected organizations: the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and the Society of Real Estate Appraisers.

The Appraisal Institute is the acknowledged worldwide leader in residential and commercial real estate appraisal education, research, publishing and professional membership designation programs. Its extensive curriculum of courses and specialty seminars provides a well-rounded education in valuation methodology for both the novice and the seasoned practitioner.

Members of the Appraisal Institute form a network of highly qualified professionals throughout the United States and abroad. They are identified by their experience in and knowledge of real estate valuation and by their adherence to a strictly enforced Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

Membership is open to appraisal practitioners as well as to individuals from allied fields. Designated members may hold the MAI, SRPA or SRA membership designation. Currently, the Appraisal Institute confers one general (commercial) designation, the MAI, and one residential designation, the SRA. The candidate member category is for individuals who engage in activity governed by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Affiliate membership is open to individuals who are not performing USPAP-related work but wish to be allied with the Appraisal Institute such as bankers, attorneys, and government agency representatives.

ABOUT THE GREAT LAKES CHAPTER The Great Lakes Chapter of the Appraisal Institute was established in May 1935. It was the tenth Chapter to be chartered in the United States. Today, we are one of the largest chapters in the nation, with over 500 members, and hold general membership meetings at least four times a year that are invaluable networking opportunities for appraisers in our market.

The Great Lakes Chapter takes particular pride in the educational menu we offer. In 2013, there are over 20 courses and seminars to choose from to help meet your continuing education needs. In addition, we try to combine one- or two-hour continuing education topics with our Chapter meetings so that you get more bang for your buck! 

If you are considering joining the Appraisal Institute, please attend one of our Chapter meetings as our guest! Simple call Sarah Walsh at the Chapter office and she will be happy to arrange for someone to greet you at the door and introduce you to some of our members. We hope to see you soon.